When Sh*t Hits the Fan...

Hi friends!

Happy Thursday!

Of course, my intention was to write about regulating anger today, but—surprise!—that’s not going to happen.

Turns out, I had big plans for the MoodiNews blog this summer, which are slowly proving themselves to be a bit more idealistic than realistic. :)

Here’s a quick life update: I am currently redesigning the business structure behind my private practice, and I am also in the process of moving to Minneapolis next month.

Throw in some summer travel and other miscellaneous projects/obligations that need ongoing attention, and—poof!—time is flying by and I am hanging on for dear life at the current moment.

So, in the midst of all of these changes, I will be relaxing the intensity of this blog until Labor Day to give myself some time to get my home and work life back in order.

I am afraid of cheapening the quality of my writing by rushing to release a newsletter each week when I haven’t spent the time necessary to research the things I’m talking about.

Furthermore, there are other, lighter topics that I still have not yet covered on here that I would like to focus on instead, before resuming the current series on emotion regulation that we’ve been covering over the past few weeks.

I hope this news does not come as a disappointment to you—although I confess that I am a bit disappointed in myself for biting off more than I can chew this summer.

However, I am working on taking my own advice these days, and I know what I would tell my clients:

Be smart about how you use your time/expend your energy so that you don’t burnout. When sh*t hits the fan, just tackle the problem one mess at a time…

So, in the coming weeks, I will still be posting blogs, but they might be a bit more sporadic and random than usual.

Stick around for the ride—there is still good stuff coming your way, it might just a bit more conversational and informal than my usual posts.

Regardless of what’s happening over here, I hope that you all are having a great start to your summer and look forward to keeping this newsletter going in whatever capacity I am able to over the next few months.

All is well.

Take care and warm regards for now!


Ann DuevelComment