How to Manage Anxiety

tips for managing anxiety in therapy

Hey there!

Welcome back to the MoodiNews blog. Every Thursday, we discuss all things mental health and self-improvement.

I’m so glad you’re here.


Today’s post is about… ANXIETY. Yay!

For context: I have struggled with anxiety for a long time.

Recently, I have been experiencing it more than normal, ironically because I am starting this blog. Taking on a new commitment like this has generated a lot of worry for me. What if I miss a week of posting? What if I burn out and lose interest? What if I run out of things to talk about?

These thoughts have been crossing my mind repeatedly over the past several months. At times, they make me stop and ask myself if I even want to start it at all.

But therein lies the problem—choosing not to blog out of discomfort would deprive me of my goal to create a rich and inviting space where readers can come, converse, and learn about tools for personal development.

Therefore, quitting before I start is not an option.  

So, here’s what I’ve been doing lately to manage—and so far, it’s worked: I know from my work as a therapist and mindset coach that baby steps result in monumental change over time. So, rather than focusing on the likelihood (or, perhaps more accurately, the guarantee) that I will have one bad post/week/meltdown in the process of becoming a writer, and have decided to instead pursue the habit of writing three days a week and simply get as comfortable with that process as I can.

The reality is that if I mess up, I will deal with it.

What other choice do I have, unless I want to quit altogether?

Anxiety is funny this way. We often ask ourselves “What if…” but then rarely stop to actually answer that question.

So, while I do worry at times that I am biting off more than I can chew with this blog, I have decided that I am going to start it anyway. Then, I will deal with the implications of that decision as they arise—but only if and when they arise, as needed.


In closing: The next time you find yourself anxiously wondering, “What if..?”, pay attention. Remind yourself that proceeding carefully is usually a better idea than quitting altogether. Also, if it helps, identify what potential risks lie ahead of you, and then walk yourself through how you would handle those challenges if they actually happened. And then, proceed with living your life—one blog post at a time!

Ann DuevelComment