Getting to Know Your Emotions

Hi there!

Welcome back to the MoodiNews. Every Thursday, we discuss a variety of matters related to mental health and self-improvement.

I’m so glad you’re here.

Today marks the start of a new series on: EMOTIONS! YAY!

The purpose of this series will be to break down the primary human emotions into their essential components, in order to give you a better understanding of how your emotions work and how to regulate them.

This breakdown will include what emotions are, why they arise, and how to manage them.

Emotions in general can be a prickly subject for people—as it turns out, we have a lot of feelings about our feelings!

Additionally, there are many (sometimes conflicting) schools of thought around what emotions are and how to conceptualize them.

Nevertheless, my goal in this series will be to educate you on how emotions work from the lens of clinical psychology, in order to supplement what you already know about these marvelous feeling states that help define our daily experience!

Learning about your emotions (and how to master them) can give you the power to dramatically increase your quality of life from the inside out.

Hopefully, this series will help you gain a better understanding of yourself (and/or the more sensitive people in your life!) by offering informative insight into the inner workings of your inner world!

I’m definitely looking forward to this conversation with you all!

Be well, and I will see you here next week,


Ann DuevelComment