From My Inspo Board!

Hi there!

Welcome back to the MoodiNews. Every Thursday, we discuss a variety of matters related to mental health and self-improvement.

I’m so glad you’re here.

Today, I’ll be sharing with you: THOUGHTS FROM MY INSPO BOARD! YAY!

As many of you know, I moved about a month ago into a condo in Minneapolis, MN.

Turns out, the condo was in disrepair so—surprise!—I have to move again.

In short, it’s been a stressful summer…

And, ironically, one of the things that I find myself missing the most are some little notes that I used to have taped on the wall next to my kitchen table at my old apartment.

Over the 8 years that I lived in my previous home, I compiled post-its and notecards with useful or thought-provoking ideas on them that I would pin to the wall when something really inspired me.

This collection of notes and quotes eventually morphed into a makeshift “inspiration board” (i.e., an ‘inspo board’) that lived where I would work and eat most frequently—and I eventually got into the habit of reading these ideas each day and finding solace in them often.

Fast forward to today, and these notes are still packed away and won’t be coming out again until I move a second time.

However, many of the words from my inspo board remain in my mind from memory and continue to pop into my conscious awareness despite (or perhaps because of) my current situation.

Because I have found my inspo board so helpful over the years, I thought it might be nice to share some of my favorite ideas from it with all of you today.

I’m not sure if the following notes/quotes/lessons will be as helpful to you as they are to me, but I believe that words have the power to transform our world, and also that it’s good to share with each other whatever ideas we find most useful in overcoming the ups and downs of life.

Once you are able to find what brings you comfort and direction during hard times, such insights can bring you repeated peace and motivate you throughout your lifetime.

So, without further ado, here are some of the ideas that have helped me over the years, and that continue to ground me, from my personal inspo board:

Quotes from other people:

  1. “Ask questions so big that only your life can answer them.” -Rose Marcario

  2. “Results or excuses, but not both.” -Arnold Schwarzenegger

  3. “Do not punish yourself any more than necessary.” -Jordan Peterson

  4. “I am feeling vulnerable right now, and I am so grateful for __________ (fill in the blank when you are feeling frightened).” -Brene Brown

  5. "A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success." -Dr. Joyce Brothers

Other mantras that I’ve found useful:

  1. Today is unfolding to the best of its ability… so, I will choose to be effective and radically participate in today, to the best of my ability.

  2. The future is coming—BE READY when it arrives.

  3. I will absolutely fail at whatever I do not do.

  4. Slow down, keep going.

  5. Do all things out of love, and you will not know regret.

If these words do not register with you, I encourage you to find words that do.

Surround yourself with ideas and inspiring messages that make you want to chase your dreams and aim high in life.

To conclude, the environment in which you immerse yourself can dictate a lot about how you live.

Despite the upfront investment, it’s absolutely worth it to take the time to make your home a place that inspires and protects you—no matter how that practice is perceived by someone else.

A final fun fact:

The MoodiNewsletter turned two years old this week!

I am sending hugs and gratitude to each of you for reading these posts and for making this project so much fun for me since launching the blog back in 2022.

There is loads more still to come, so be sure to stick around for that, and please spread the news about our community in the meantime!

Thanks, and enjoy your holiday weekend, everyone.

Ann DuevelComment