A Guide to Self-Improvement

Tips for self-improvement

Hi there!


Welcome back to the MoodiNews. Every Thursday, we discuss a variety of matters related to mental health and self-improvement.


I’m so glad you’re here.


This week, we are going begin discussing some common obstacles that keep people from experiencing self-improvement—and how to fix them! YAY!


In today’s post, I will simply outline the conversation that we will be having over the next several weeks.

Then, next week, I will start to dive into the three most common obstacles to self-improvement.


Let’s begin at the end.


In therapy, there are three ‘Superpowers’ that I strive to teach to all of my clients—these are skills that are essential for self-improvement.

(We will talk more about these ‘Superpowers’ later on, but I am mentioning them now because they set the stage for addressing the three most common obstacles that hold people back.)


The 3 therapeutic ‘Superpowers’ are:

1) Being able to challenge mood dependent behavior

2) Habituating a practice of self-compassion

3) Developing (and maintaining) a plan for the future


Most people can overcome considerable life challenges once they finally begin to master these three ‘Superpowers.’

Conversely, when people lack these three fundamental skills, they tend to struggle—sometimes with the most basic of daily functions.


When teaching my clients about the three ‘Superpowers,’ I often explain them in their reverse as well, as this can help clarify my point and emphasize their importance.

I like to refer to the opposite of these three ‘Superpowers’ as obstacles to self-improvement.

Not surprisingly, many of today’s widespread mental health concerns (especially depression and anxiety) are closely linked to these three obstacles. Simply put, when people struggle with these particular issues, they often have a difficult time mobilizing themselves towards behavior change.

The 3 most common obstacles to self-improvement are:

1) Succumbing to mood dependent behavior

2) Perpetuating self-defeating thoughts and behaviors

3) Lacking a sense of direction

Over the next three weeks, I will outline in further detail the three most common obstacles to self-improvement, including how they present themselves and why they’re problematic.

Then, we will spend the next three weeks discussing the three therapeutic ‘Superpowers,’ and how you can begin to introduce these skills into your own life in order to expedite personal development.

Stick around!

Ann DuevelComment