Get After It.


Hi there!

Welcome back to the MoodiNews. Every Thursday, we discuss a variety of matters related to mental health and self-improvement. 

I’m so glad you’re here.

This week, we will be discussing: GRIT! YAY!

One of my favorite sayings is:

Energy and Persistence conquer all things.

I like this saying, because it serves as reminder that instant gratification is not synonymous with long-term success.

To be honest, writing this blog sometimes feels like a burden to me. I started it in order to have an archive of information for myself to refer back to as I work, and also to have a means of sharing free information about mental health with people.

Sometimes Thursdays roll around, however, and I don’t want to write.

I don’t want to publish.

I just want a day off.

But I know that one week off can quickly become one month, and then a few more months, until I one day find myself facing a huge, shame-inducing behemoth of disappointment as I reflect back on no results and an utter lack of persistence.

This blog is not important just for my work—its creation is also cathartic for me. Therefore, when I neglect this outlet because of its required effort, I lose more than just self-respect—I experience disconnection and disorganization, and I move farther away from the person I want to be.


Even when I’m distracted or apathetic about my long-term vision for this blog, I post anyway…because that’s what Grit is all about.

I don’t like quitting on projects that are important to me—and neither should you.

Most of us have lots of things that we would like to see change in our lives, but seeing is different than doing. Sometimes it gets hard to see what’s up ahead, when we are too busy doing all the work that it will take for us to get there.

This is where Grit (i.e., the energy and persistence to conquer all things) comes in.

In the spirit of becoming a person who keeps their commitments (to others AND to ourselves), and who persists despite difficulty when pursuing something worthwhile, we must remember the importance of Grit.

Life requires constant work, but that work can also feel like play when it’s done in service of the right goals.

Effort is not, and has never been, your enemy—at least, not when it’s in pursuit of the right things.

Be bold and make things happen today. Participate in your life. Choose to be effective, and practice living with Grit.

If that means applying for a new job, getting back into school, or simply making your bed…get after it.


And remember:

Energy and Persistence conquer all things!

Ann DuevelComment